About the Book

All-round good guy Robert Mother’s Day Allman steps into the twilight zone while going to church one Mother’s day.

Behind the Story

As a young child, I remember going to church with my parents on Mother’s Day and wearing roses in my lapel. If your mother was living, you wore a red rose. If your mother was dead, you wore a white one. This tale was based on those childhood experiences.


“Sweet remembrance! Bob, Clara, and little Johnnie are headed to church on Mother’s Day. They need to pick up roses on the way from the little store run by Alma. However, she’s all out of white roses so Bob gets three red roses even though his mom passed away more than nine years ago. This tale had a small town feel to it and could be set in any decade for the last 100 years. Well, provided that there were jawbreaker candies back in 1917.

The day starts off pretty normal for Bob but once he walks out of that little store with his red roses, he has an unexpected visit from his deceased mother. It’s a touching story of a mom touching base with her adult child after some years have passed though she has limited time. I like how she easily steered the conversation to all the important bits, including asking after Bob’s sister Edna.

It’s a perfectly quaint tale fit for a family listen or if you’re just looking for a little something upbeat during your lunch break. – Amazon reviewer

“A rose for my mother! When Robert Allman couldn’t find a white rose for Mother’s Day to symbolize his beloved mother’s death, he chose a red rose instead. With that choice, he’s given an opportunity to revisit his past.” Kindle customer

“Made me cry! This was a sweet story that I found really thought-provoking. If you had one last moment with someone, what would you say? What would you take from that encounter? With just a few words, we get a strong sense of Robert’s life and his relationship with his family. I loved that it was open to interpretation, and I’d love to read more from this author.” – HeatherY