About the Book

Devoted mother Cassie Carter is hard working and dedicated to running her small farm in Georgia. She tends to her home and sickly son daily while her truck driver husband is away on long hauls. Damaged romantic Paul Hamilton has a void in his life that leaves him wandering from affair to affair, empty and unfulfilled. When Paul’s highway construction company begins a new job near her home, the two start an affair, using a complicated set of signals to communicate and schedule their romantic interludes. After several months, meeting whenever they can, the relationship blooms and they fall in love. A knotty engaging tale of lonely nights, infidelity and unspoken love.

Behind the Story

Many years ago, when I was a teenager in north Alabama, the old country road in front of our home, which had always been dirt/gravel, was finally being paved with asphalt. As the project progressed, I watched as a member of the road construction crew had an affair with the wife of one of our neighbors. Finally, when the road was completed, the construction crew left and the woman returned to her normal life. Around 2013, I started thinking about the incident and wondering if the man and the woman simply forgot one another or ever connected up again. The Duck Springs Affair is the result of those memories.


“Beautiful, but sad! This was such a beautiful but quite sad love story. To be quite honest, as I am typing this review, I am still crying. The Duck Springs Affair is written as Cassie, now a senior citizen living in a nursing home, reflects back on her life while feeding the ducks in the town of Duck Springs, Georgia. I found myself totally engrossed in the characters, their everyday lives and the love affair the book was based on. Definitely recommend this book.” - Amazon customer

“Well done! Beautiful but yet a sad love story! Will give you a sense of love that once was but you really just don’t see much of anymore. Highly recommended!” - Kindle customer

“Touched my soul! Could not stop reading even tho my eyes were bleeding! You could feel the love and passion between this man and woman. I would recommend it to women who have ever loved a man that they could not be with.” Granny Bookworm